Esports Questionnaire
Secondary Email
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Email address *
First name *
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Address 2
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Cell Phone Number *
Grad Year *
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: What is your current rank?
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: Describe any competitive experience you have with League of Legends.
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: Please provide the link to your profile.
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: What position(s) do you play?
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: In a short paragraph, describe your playstyle.
ROCKET LEAGUE: What is your standard rank?
ROCKET LEAGUE: What is your solo duel rank?
ROCKET LEAGUE: Describe any competitive experience you have with Rocket League.
ROCKET LEAGUE: Please provide your SteamID, PSN Name or Xbox Gamertag.
ROCKET LEAGUE: In a short paragraph, describe your playstyle.
* required field